Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Elmo's Rein of Terror

Despite Elmo's supremacy on Sesame Street, there are still glimmers of the old, wacky Sesame Street.

I don't know if this song really fits in with the vein of retro Sesame Street, but Rosemary, Finn, and I spent A LOT of time dancing to it. It's an earworm, though, so beware. Watch it, and you'll be doing the Elmo Slide in your head all day. Promise.

Our best dances, though, are to the finale of Despicable Me. Rosie and Finn turn out the lights, break out their flash lights, and go CRAZY. Believe you me, a two-year-old and a four-year-old know how to do crazy right.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cake Decorating

Here is the fruit of my Sunday afternoons spent at Michael's slaving over icing and cake.
Yes, I think it's pretty bright too. What can I say? I like colour.

I have learned a lot over the last three Sundays, and not least of which is that I am not a fan of icing.

The children, though, they love that shit. Shocking, I know.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A blog? What blog? I have a blog? (Sorry, blog, I've been a neglectful owner.)

Ugh. Cute pictures make up for everything.

Why, yes, they are eating cupcakes on the floor. I have no idea why. It was the cool thing to do one afternoon.

Really, though, maybe it maximises the release of sugar into their blood streams. Kids are sneaky like that.

Yup, Finn is still making the face.

In all truth, part of the posting lack is due to Finn. No, it's not because he makes funny faces for the camera, and believe me, there is no shortage of material provided by The Mighty Finn. Every time I think of posting about him, though, I hesitate.

I just no longer feel comfortable putting him and his stories here. He has his own life now, albeit a preschool one, but I am reluctant to invade his privacy any longer.

Blogging about a toddler or a baby is one thing; it's a whole nother ballgame to put a kid out there on the Internet. So if it seems like I spend a lot more time chatting here about Rosie, this is why.

I guess this is Finn's graceful exit from Internet stardom. Perhaps when he is older, he'll start up his own blog.

I just really hope it has nothing to do with bombs or how they are assembled.

I will keep posting his funny faces, though.

He will need some ammunition for his adolescent rebellion after all. "I didn't ask to be born!! And I really didn't ask to have my face all over your blog!!!!!"