Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Is it because Rosemary is my last baby, because she's a girl, or because she's a particularly sweet girl? All I know is that I am enjoying her, to say the least. She is wonderful to me, and I cannot get enough of her.
Look at her! She's not just cute. She's not just beautiful. She's positively charming.
She's charming the pants off that toy. That floating turtle is powerless to resist her smiles.
Cliched as it might be, you expect to love your children, but falling in love with them is a surprise, even the second time round.
Two-year-olds are a strange breed. Finn has decided he doesn't like having his picture taken. Now whenever the camera appears, he makes a face.

I think it's related to the flash hurting his eyes, or maybe he no longer wants to be an Internet star. In any case, it's one part annoying.And one part cute.
At moments like these, I have flashes of him as a teenager. Chilling. Positively chilling.