This beaver lives on the Parliament buildings. I noticed him for the first time the other day. He amuses me. What a silly nation symbol. Of course, living in Ottawa makes me realize the Mighty Beaver along with his cohorts maple syrup and maple leaves are symbols of
Ontario, but I'll keep my Western Protests to myself. For now.

Little Sunshiney here, she also amuses me.

And Finn, well, he fills my heart with happiness.

My brother got back from Patagonia a little while ago. He said the water in the lakes there were so clear and tasty. Then my father added that it was because there were no beavers there to pollute the water and make it unsafe to drink.
Franklin picked up on that. Our national animal pollutes water with it's poop?
Guess so, little guy, but maybe it's only Ontario...
you have such a goodlooking family.I am so proud of you and your family
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