A Santa's Sleigh full of Christmas Pictures.
You've been warned.

Our Xmas eve feast.

The minions hard at work on the gingerbread houses.

We made reindeer food. We also put out cookies and milk, but in all the Xmas-eve excitement, I didn't take a snapshot. Picture, if you will, a plate with cookies on it.

We threw the reindeer food all over the lawn. It was sparkly so that Santa knew where to park his sleigh. And now all the birds in town know where to have a tasty and colourful meal.

In our hood, someone puts up an inflatable Elmo every year. The first year, it was cute. I'm getting a little tired now of going to visit Christmas Elmo.
Santa, as promised, visited Finn and Rosemary, and they had a blast working their way through all the gifts.

Thank you, Aunt Christy and Uncle Evan, for the doll sling, CD, and book! We'll get some pictures soon of the doll sling in action.

Rosemary loves Buzz Lightyear. Move over Elmo, there's a new space ranger in town.



Thanks, Dawn, for the giant kitty!

"More presents!" He's an addict after only three minutes.

Thank you, Dawn and Grandma Pat, for the Elmo Playdough toy. You both probably don't realise it, but it was so thoughtful to send the same gift. No fighting over that present! Whew.

Happy New Year!