Saturday, March 13, 2010

On the weekend, it was very windy. Rosie didn't think it was cold or annoying.
To her, it was hilarious.

Finn is the coolest two-year-old, soon to be three-year-old, that I know. Never seen without his Elmo hat, Finn is adorable. His Afro Ken* bag is a new addition to his "look." It holds all his treasures: little wallet, big wallet, red tool, gray tool, sometimes his photo book of important pictures, and oftentimes little Elmo (but not Big Elmo. He doesn't fit.) I gave him the bag because I was tired of looking for all his VIP items. Luckily, I have a surplus of bags and happen to have one Finn found acceptable. Never let it be said Finn is trying to blend in. In any way. Whatsoever. At all.

*I am amazed there are Afro Ken sites on the web. I bought this bag at nightmarket in Taipei. Very cool. I also have an Afro Ken t-shirt that's just waiting for someone to be big enough for it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

TSI -- Toddler Scene Investigation
Setting: Our living room at approximately 12:30 p.m. this afternoon.
Scene: Toys strewn about, sippy cups dropped on floor, crackers crushed on carpet, trail of clothing leading from kitchen into living room. Splatter pattern of clothing indicative of wild abandon.
Conclusion: Finn decided to take all his clothes off.
Possible motives: He's a toddler. He was hot. He hates clothes. He likes the feel of the couch on his butt.
Mystery remains unsolved at this time.

Sitting on the couch naked was a little too out there for Finn, though, so he made use of this handy pillow and was, thus, able to be both rebellious and modest at the same time. Also, this enabled photographic evidence. What's a naked moment if your mother can't document it on the Internet? (Your future teenage self curses you, Finn.)
Rosie typically thinks everything Finn does is great, and this naked-on-the-couch exploit is no exception. From the clapping and squealing coming from her corner of the couch, this is yet another stroke of pure genius.
And deserving of a kiss, apparently.