I am not even going to bother with New Year's resolutions this year. I have some modest personal improvements I'd like to implement for the new year, but nothing majorly blog-worthy. There won't be any big lists of all the things I'd like to clean up about myself this year. It's not that I am against the whole resolution deal. In fact, five years ago, I resolved to floss my teeth daily. I have kept that resolution almost every day since, and I feel such success just about covers me and my New-Years-Resolution needs for a good long while yet.
I do hope to have a mindful year in 2010, to stay in the moment, and savor every treasure-filled day. Even if the laundry is piling up, even if there is yet ANOTHER mess to clean, even if there is more crying in the day than laughing, I am going to enjoy it all because, as it seems to me, these little people are moving and changing far, far too fast.
Mainly, I resolve to keep these wise words in my mind this year:
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not, but remember that what you have now was once among the things only hoped for."
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